Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Famous Inventions and Birthdays in February

Famous Inventions and Birthdays in February Not only is February the month of Valentines Day, its also when a great number of inventions were created and patented, trademarked, or copyrighted and when many great scientists, scholars, and famous figures were born. Whether youre looking for someone who shares your February birthday or just want to know what happened on this day in history, check out the following lists of events that have happened during this month throughout history. Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights From the digital voicemail system to Kooky Doodles, February has celebrated the birth of many inventions and pieces of writing or art. Find out when some of the most popular inventions and literary works were first patented, trademarked, or copyrighted. February 1 1788 - The first US patent for an improvement to steamships was issued to Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet.1983 - Matthews, Tansil, and Fannin obtained a patent for a digital voice mail system. February 2 1869 - James Oliver invented the removable tempered steel plow blade1965 - Alfonso Alvarez received a patent for dual-vent windows. February 3 1690 - The first paper money in America was issued in the colony of Massachusetts.1952 - The first episode of the TV program Dragnet was copyrighted. February 4 1824 -  J. W. Goodrich introduced the world to the first rubber galoshes.1941 - Roy Plunkett received a patent in for tetrafluoro-ethylene polymers (TEFLON). February 5 1861 - Samuel Goodale patented the first moving picture peep show machine. February 6 1917 - Sunmaid raisins were trademark registered.1947 - Frank Capras Its a Wonderful Life was copyrighted. February 7 1804 -  John Deere, pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements was born.1995 - Larry Gunter and Tracie Williams received a patent for a personalized interactive storybook February 8 1916 -  Charles Kettering received a patent for a self-starting automobile engine. February 9 1811 -  Robert Fulton was granted a patent for the practical steamboat. February 10 1976 - Sidney Jacoby was granted a patent for a combination smoke and heat detector alarm. February 11 1973 - National Inventors Hall of Fame was founded on the anniversary of Thomas Edisons birth in 1847. February 12 1974 - Stephen Kovacs received a patent for a magnetic heart pump.1983 - The circular thing that keeps the pizza from hitting the inside of the box top (called a package saver) was invented by a guy from New Jersey. February 13 1979 - Charles Chidsey received a patent for male baldness solution. February 14 1854 - Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson patented a firearm.The 14th is also Valentines Day and someone has patented romance. February 15 1972 -  William Kolff obtained a patent for the soft shell mushroom-shaped artificial heart. February 16 1932 - James Markham received the first fruit tree patent for a peach tree. February 17 1827 - Chester Stone patented a washing machine. February 18 1879 - Auguste Bartholdi was granted a design patent for the Statue of Liberty. February 19 1878 - Thomas Edison received a patent for the phonograph. February 20 1846 - John Drummond was granted a patent for molds for the manufacture of candles.1872 - Luther Crowell patented a machine that manufactured paper bags. February 21 1865 -   John Deere received a patent for plows. February 22 1916 - Ernst Alexanderson was issued a patent for a selective radio tuning system. February 23 1943 - The song As Time Goes By from the movie Casablanca was copyrighted. February 24 1857 - The first perforated United States postage stamps were delivered to the government.1925 -  His Masters Voice  was trademark registered. February 25 1902 - John Holland was granted a patent for a submarine. February 26 1870 - The first New York City subway line opened, and this short-lived line was pneumatically powered.1963 - Hobie surfboards trademark registered in 1963. February 27 1900 - Felix Hoffman patented acetylsalicylic acid, which is also known as  aspirin. February 28 1984 - Donald Mauldin received a patent for a knee brace. February 29 1972 - Kooky Doodles were trademark registered. February Birthdays Many famous inventors and scientists were born in February, and a few were even born on Leap Day, which falls on the 29th every four years. February 1 1905 - Emilio Segre was an  Italian physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of antiprotons, a sub-atomic antiparticle and an element used for the  atomic bomb  used on Nagasaki.1928 - Sam Edwards was a Welsh physicist who studied condensed matter physics. February 2 1817 - John Glover was the English chemist who discovered sulfuric acid.1859 - Havelock Ellis was an American physician sexologist who wrote The Psychology of Sex.1905 - Jean-Pierre Guerlain invented cosmetics pioneer. February 3 1821 - Elizabeth Blackwell of Bristol England was the first accredited woman physician. February 4 1841 - Clement Ader was a French inventor who was the first to fly a heavier-than-air craft.1875 - Ludwig Prandtl was a German physicist who is considered the father of aerodynamics.1903 - Alexander Oppenheim was a mathematician who wrote the  Oppenheim conjecture. February 5 1840 - John Boyd Dunlop  was a Scottish inventor who invented pneumatic rubber tires.1840 -  Hiram Maxim  invented the automatic single-barrel rifle.1914 - Alan Hodgkin was a British physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1963 for his work on the central nervous system.1915 - Robert Hofstadter was an  American atomic physicist who won a Nobel Prize in 1961 for his work on electron scattering in atomic nuclei.1943 - Nolan Bushnell  was the founder of  Atari  and the creator of  Pong. February 6 1879 - Carl Ramsauer was a German research physicist who discovered the Ramsauer-Townsend effect.1890 - Anton Hermann Fokker was an  aviation  pioneer.1907 - Sam Green was a noted industrialist and inventor.1913 - Mary Leakey was a  British paleoanthropologist who discovered the first Proconsul skull, which belongs to a species of extinct ape that may be an ancestor of humans. February 7 1870 - Alfred Adler was the  Austrian psychiatrist first wrote about the Inferiority Complex.1905 - Ulf Svante von Euler was a Swedish physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1970. February 8 1828 - Jules Verne was a French writer who wrote From the Earth to the Moon and is considered the father of  science fiction.1922 - Joeri Averbach was a noted Russian chess grandmaster. February 9 1871 - Howard T. Ricketts was an American pathologist who studied typhus fever.1910 - Jacques Monod was a  French biochemist who  won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965 for work on enzyme and virus synthesis.1923 - Norman E. Shumway was a pioneer cardiac transplant surgery.1943 - Joseph E. Stiglitz was a noted American economist.1950 - Andrew N. Meltzoff was a noted developmental psychologist. February 10 1880 - Jesse G. Vincent was an engineer who designed the first V-12 engine.1896 - Alister Hardy was a  British scientist who was an expert on the marine ecosystems of everything from zooplankton to whales.1897 - John Franklin Ender was a microbiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his research into polio.1920 - Alex Comfort was an English physician who wrote The Joy of Sex.1941 - Dave Parnas is a Canadian computer scientist who pioneered information hiding in modular programming. February 11 1846 -  William Fox Talbot  was a pioneer photographer and inventor.1898 - Leo Szilard was a  Hungarian physicist who worked on the A-Bomb and later became a peace activist.1925 - Virginia Johnson was an American psychologist and part of the noted medical team of Masters and Johnson.1934 - Mary Quant is an English fashion designer who invented the Mod Look. February 12 1809 - Charles Darwin  was an  English scientist who discovered the  theory of evolution  and wrote the Origin of Species.1813 - James Dwight Dana was an American scientist who pioneered the study of volcanic activity and theorized on the formation of continents.1815 - Edward Forbes was a British scientist who wrote extensively on marine biology.1948 - Ray Kurzweil was an American inventor who invented the flatbed scanner, the Kurzweil reading machine, the Kurzweil 1000 OCR software, the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary  speech-recognition  software, and the Kurzweil 250 Music Synthesizer. February 13 1910 - William Shockley was an American  physicist who co-invented the transistor and won the Nobel Prize in 1956.1923 - Chuck Yeager was an American test pilot and the first man to break the sound barrier. February 14 1838 - Margaret Knight  invented a method of making paper bags.1859 - George Ferris  invented the  Ferris Wheel, which is why the F is always capitalized in its name!1869 - Charles Wilson was an English physicist who invented the  Wilson cloud chamber  and won the Nobel Prize.1911 - Willem J. Kolff was an  American internist who invented the artificial kidney.1917 - Herbert A. Hauptman was an  American x-ray crystallographer who won the Nobel Prize in 1985. February 15 1809 -  Cyrus Hall McCormick  invented a mechanical reaper.1819 - Christopher Sholes invented  the  typewriter.1834 - William Preece was an English electrical engineer who was a pioneer in wireless technology.1934 -   Niklaus Wirth was a  Swiss computer programmer who invented the PASCAL computer language. February 16 1740 - Giambattista Bodoni was an  Italian printer who invented typeface designs. February 17 1781 - Rene-Theophile-Hyacinthe  Laennec  was a  French inventor who created the  stethoscope.1844 - Aaron Montgomery Ward founded the mail-order business, Montgomery Ward.1867 - William Cadbury was the English chocolate manufacturer who founded  Cadbury.1874 - Thomas J. Watson was an American scientist who founded  IBM. February 18 1743 - Alessandro Volta  was an Italian physicist who invented the  voltaic  pile, the  first battery.1898 - Enzo Ferrari was the car manufacturer who invented the Ferrari. February 19 1473 - Nicolaus Copernicus  was famous for formulating a model of the universe with the sun at its center rather than the earth.1859 - Svante August  Arrhenius was a  Swedish physicist and chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1903.1927 - Rene  Firino-Martell was a  Cognac manufacturer who invented several types of Cognac. February 20 1844 - Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann is the  Austrian physicist who is considered the father of statistical mechanics.1901 - Rene Jules Dubos was a microbiologist who wrote Health and Disease.1937 - Robert Huber was the  German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1988. February 21 1909 - Helen O. Dickens Henderson was an American physician and gynecologist. February 22 1796 - Adolphe Quetelet was a noted mathematician, astronomer, and statistician.1822 - Adolf  Kuszmaul was a German physician who invented the stomach pump and discovered Kuszmaul disease.1852 - Pieter K. Pel was an internist who discovered Pel-Ebstein fever.1857 - Robert Baden-Powell was the founder of Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.1857 - Heinrich Hertz  was the first to broadcast and receive radio waves and helped to invent radar technology.1937 - Samuel Whitbread was a noted English brewer.1962 - Steve Irwin was an Australian biologist, zoologist, and nature TV show host who died while filming from a stingray attack. February 23 1898 - Reinhard Herbig was a German archaeologist.1947 - Colin Sanders is the British computer engineer who invented Solid State Logic.1953 - Sallie L. Baliunas is  a retired astrophysicist who studied global warming and ozone depletion. February 24 1955 -  Steve Jobs  co-founded  Apple Computer. February 25 1904 - Adelle Davis was a naturalist and the author of Lets  Stay Healthy. February 26 1852 - John Harvey Kellogg started the  flaked-cereal  industry and founded Kellogg Cereal.1866 - Herbert Henry Dow was a pioneer in the chemical industry and founded Dow Chemical. February 27 1891 - David Sarnoff founded RCA.1897 - Bernard F.  Lyot was a French astronomer who invented the Lyot filter.1899 - Charles Best co-discovered  Insulin. February 28 1933 - Geoffrey Maitland Smith founded Sears1663 - Thomas Newcomen  invented an improved  steam engine.1896 - Philip Showalter Hench was an  American physician who discovered cortisone and won the  Nobel Prize.1901 - Linus Pauling was a chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1954 and 1962.1915 - English zoologist and immunologist, Peter Medawar won the Nobel Prize in 1953.1930 - Leon Cooper was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1972.1948 - Steven Chu is an  American scientist who co-won the Nobel Prize  for  Physics in 1997. February 29 1860 -  Herman Hollerith  the inventor of the first electric tabulating machine was born on a  leap year.

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